Malaysian Standard
The Serama Marking Scheme
(For Table-Top Shows)
1. Position/Chest/Attitude (25 points)
A) Position (15 points):
The vertical line through the eyes should fall parallel with the legs or behind the legs (the further behind the legs the better). The further in front of the legs it falls, the less desirable it is.
The legs have to be held straight (knee not bent) and in the same direction the head is facing.
"Selam": the neck should bend/curve in an "S" shape, while lowering the head behind the chest and close to the base of the tail.
The wing tips should be pushed in front of the legs (the more the better).
When posing, the beak should be positioned in the center of the chest and not held to the side.
During judging, Serama should not be picking food off the table.
B) Chest (5 points):
Lifted up (the higher the better) muscular, preferably split, left/right sides should be symmetric.
The chest must be held up the whole time, while on the table.
C) Attitude/activity (5 points):
Points assigned for: walking, crowing, wings flapping then pulling the head backwards, walking on toes, walking to the edge of the table and flapping/crowing.
2. Body ( 15 points)
Small, proportionate, held in pose when walking, short back (little to no visible space between the back of the neck and tail).
3. Tail ( 15 points)
Proportionate with the Serama, should have at least 6 main tail feathers on each side (not counting the long sickle feathers).
The tail should open toward the bottom, leaving the fluff visible and the tail opening (when seen from the back) should be close to 45 degrees.
The main feathers from the lower part of the tail, should be parallel with the table and form a 90 degrees angle with the legs.
The tail should be held in the center.It is undesirable to have the tail leaned left/right (wry tail) or leaned forward passing the head or neck (squirrel tail)
4. Wings (9 points)
Size/length proportionate with the body, lower tip should sit 1 inches or more above the table.
No visible trimming /repair allowed for the wings.
5. Legs (9 points)
Fairly long and thin, resulting in a tall bird (except for the submarine style).
It is undesirable to have toes or toenails missing
It is desirable to have the spurs trimmed equal in length.
Legs should look healthy and clean.
6. Comb /wattles/beak (8 points)
A) Comb
Red (not pale), relatively small, with 4-5 pins (except for the first and the last lobes)
It is desirable for the pins to be equal in length, skinny and not "pyramid shaped".
B) Wattles
Relatively short without folds and red in coloring (not pale)
C) Beak
Relatively short and healthy looking (not twisted /able to close)
7. Sickles (9 points)
Proportionate with the Serama, the 2 main sickles should be straight (not curved) and longer than the rest of the tail, positioned at a 45 to 75 degrees angle.
8. Color (5 points)
Desirable main colors: yellow, red, red and black, gold splash.
The solid colors, such as yellow, white, black etc., are considered ideal, and are sometimes referred to as "the king's colors".
Less desirable are the solid colors which are combined "splash" with another color or two other colors.
The beak should be the same color with the legs.
Balance in color: the hackles should have the same color as the saddle, the same proportion of colors should be present on the left and right wings.
9. Feathers/condition/overall (5 points)
Serama must have smooth feathers
Must look healthy /free from external parasites
Look clean and tidy
Should not have loose fluff under the tail.
Should have trimmed toenails & beak.
If the Serama acts wildly or jumps off the table points will be deducted.
Note (Trimming)
The "fluff” can be trimmed from these areas only:
1. Under the tail.
2. Between the legs.
3. Thighs.
The reasons for trimming can include:
A cleaner/healthier bird.
A better visibility of the legs, body shape and the angle of the tail base.
(For Table-Top Shows)
1. Position/Chest/Attitude (25 points)
A) Position (15 points):
The vertical line through the eyes should fall parallel with the legs or behind the legs (the further behind the legs the better). The further in front of the legs it falls, the less desirable it is.
The legs have to be held straight (knee not bent) and in the same direction the head is facing.
"Selam": the neck should bend/curve in an "S" shape, while lowering the head behind the chest and close to the base of the tail.
The wing tips should be pushed in front of the legs (the more the better).
When posing, the beak should be positioned in the center of the chest and not held to the side.
During judging, Serama should not be picking food off the table.
B) Chest (5 points):
Lifted up (the higher the better) muscular, preferably split, left/right sides should be symmetric.
The chest must be held up the whole time, while on the table.
C) Attitude/activity (5 points):
Points assigned for: walking, crowing, wings flapping then pulling the head backwards, walking on toes, walking to the edge of the table and flapping/crowing.
2. Body ( 15 points)
Small, proportionate, held in pose when walking, short back (little to no visible space between the back of the neck and tail).
3. Tail ( 15 points)
Proportionate with the Serama, should have at least 6 main tail feathers on each side (not counting the long sickle feathers).
The tail should open toward the bottom, leaving the fluff visible and the tail opening (when seen from the back) should be close to 45 degrees.
The main feathers from the lower part of the tail, should be parallel with the table and form a 90 degrees angle with the legs.
The tail should be held in the center.It is undesirable to have the tail leaned left/right (wry tail) or leaned forward passing the head or neck (squirrel tail)
4. Wings (9 points)
Size/length proportionate with the body, lower tip should sit 1 inches or more above the table.
No visible trimming /repair allowed for the wings.
5. Legs (9 points)
Fairly long and thin, resulting in a tall bird (except for the submarine style).
It is undesirable to have toes or toenails missing
It is desirable to have the spurs trimmed equal in length.
Legs should look healthy and clean.
6. Comb /wattles/beak (8 points)
A) Comb
Red (not pale), relatively small, with 4-5 pins (except for the first and the last lobes)
It is desirable for the pins to be equal in length, skinny and not "pyramid shaped".
B) Wattles
Relatively short without folds and red in coloring (not pale)
C) Beak
Relatively short and healthy looking (not twisted /able to close)
7. Sickles (9 points)
Proportionate with the Serama, the 2 main sickles should be straight (not curved) and longer than the rest of the tail, positioned at a 45 to 75 degrees angle.
8. Color (5 points)
Desirable main colors: yellow, red, red and black, gold splash.
The solid colors, such as yellow, white, black etc., are considered ideal, and are sometimes referred to as "the king's colors".
Less desirable are the solid colors which are combined "splash" with another color or two other colors.
The beak should be the same color with the legs.
Balance in color: the hackles should have the same color as the saddle, the same proportion of colors should be present on the left and right wings.
9. Feathers/condition/overall (5 points)
Serama must have smooth feathers
Must look healthy /free from external parasites
Look clean and tidy
Should not have loose fluff under the tail.
Should have trimmed toenails & beak.
If the Serama acts wildly or jumps off the table points will be deducted.
Note (Trimming)
The "fluff” can be trimmed from these areas only:
1. Under the tail.
2. Between the legs.
3. Thighs.
The reasons for trimming can include:
A cleaner/healthier bird.
A better visibility of the legs, body shape and the angle of the tail base.